Happy New Year friends! I hope you enjoyed your time off during the holidays and leaned into what is important – family, friends and community.
I hope you also still found a way to keep your health practices ticking over in some capacity too.
As you may have seen, the website and newsletter have undergone something of a revamp.
It's been a long time coming, but I wanted to update things while continuing to give you – as the community who has showed me so much support over the years – tons of value.
There's lots more to come in helping you achieve your healthiest self, you can believe that.
So read on for my 3 things to consider as you continue to build health for 2024 and beyond:
- Don't overestimate what you can achieve in 3 months, and don't underestimate what you can achieve in a year
With the New Year now in full flow, you'll no doubt see tons of things claiming to help you get healthier in a short period of time.
You need to ignore these – and consider this first tip as your foundational starting point.
It's so important.
You can achieve a lot more with your health by playing the long game, and not trying to cram everything into a short period of time.
You only stand to burn yourself out, increase risk of injury, and quite frankly increase the likelihood that you will think 'forget this' – and go back to old habits.

- Think 'nuance, context and dose'
I get sent tons of messages on social media with people concerned by videos that make all sorts of health claims.
Kale is toxic.
Beans are terrible.
Lectins in lentils and grains will kill you.
Meat causes cancer.
Exercise is dangerous.
The next time you see a video that is polarising about nutrition, training, health or anything else, think of these three words:
Nuance, context, dose.
Often these claims are taken wildly out of context, lack nuance, and don't consider the dose.
It's like saying oxygen is bad because 100% oxygen will kill us.
But we require it to live on a daily basis.
- Make this a year to optimise plant protein gains
I'm aware that many of you in the community may not be plant-based.
But for those who are? You're in luck.
I've written a detailed resource all about how you can optimise protein and fitness while living a plant-based lifestyle.
There's lots of interesting information for you to get stuck into, and I hope it gives you plenty of value - find it below.

Hopefully all of these three tips help you with how you approach your health in 2024.
Let's get after it my friends!
You may have noticed that I've added a membership area to the website.
For a small monthly fee, you can receive some additional benefits.
You may also see it as a way to support the work that I do across all of my platforms – a Patreon-style support, if you like.
I'll put the link below for you to explore.