I wrote a tweet the other day which summed up my view of supplements in light of how they are sometimes portrayed.
I think it might resonate with you:

So often you hear – especially in the context of a plant-based dietary pattern – that 'if you have to supplement, it means your diet is not a good one'.
I just don't agree with that at all.
Sure, if you guzzle down a million pills but your diet is one dominated by fast food, you won't see any benefit from supplements no matter how hard you try. Best to steer clear of that approach.
But for varying reasons, supplementing smartly (and based on bloodwork) can be one of the best things to do for your health.

Take Vitamin D for example: we have countless studies looking at its benefits for decreasing cancer risk, optimising immune function and improving bone health.
So many of us don't get much sun between the months of September and March – so why wouldn't you supplement to get those benefits?
One of the biggest factors reducing food nutrient density in recent years is declining soil health.
So with that in mind, minerals like magnesium become pretty important to focus on when it comes to supplementation. Especially given that it governs hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body.
Covering all bases seems smart.
And when we consider the 'poor diet' accusations levelled at those following a plant-based diet and having to supplement, aside from B12 and an Omega 3 DHA/EPA to cover bases, its not like its a truckload of supplements required to maintain good health.
Plus, the supplement industry wasn't created specifically for vegans.

No matter what dietary pattern you follow, it's always good to keep an eye on key nutrients, and cover bases if you want to really achieve robust health.
Outdated RDI's (Recommended Daily Intakes) should also be ignored as they are there to essentially prevent deficiency.
And in reality we don't want to just survive, we want to optimise.
So – supplementing is not a waste of time; it's not an indication of poor diet quality – or any other accusation against it.
Do it right.
And alongside a whole-food diet, you'll reap tons of benefits.
Stay healthy,